新关注 > 信息聚合 > 新款 4 英寸中端 iPhone 将采用 A9 处理器,与 iPhone 6S Plus 相同

新款 4 英寸中端 iPhone 将采用 A9 处理器,与 iPhone 6S Plus 相同

The new iPhone will adopt A9 processor 4 inches in the end, the same as the iPhone 6 s Plus

2016-02-19 10:25:46来源: TECH2IPO创见

虽然苹果将在下个月上市的 4 英寸苹果手机定位中端,但是据内部人士透露,该款手机将会配备 A9 处理器,苹果高端手机 iPhone 6S 以及 iPhone 6S Plus 采用的也是该款处理器。同时内部人士还透露,即将上市的 iPad Air 3 也会采用高端处理器 A9X,与 iPad Pro 所采用的处理器相同。 也就是说,这款传言会被称作 iPhone 5se 或者 iPhone 6c 的中断手机,将会比苹果目前的中端产品线更有竞争力。目前 iPhone 6 国内报价人民币 3500 到 4000,配备 A8 处理器以及 1GB 的 RAM 内存。iPhone 6S Plus 所采用...

Although apple is going to be launched next month 4 inches of apple mobile phone positioning in the end, according to the insiders, however, is that the phone will be equipped with A9 processor, high-end mobile phone iPhone 6 s and apple iPhone 6 s Plus USES is the processor. Insiders said at the same time, the upcoming 3 high-end processors A9X, also will use the Air to the Pro USES the same processor. That is to say, the rumors will be referred to as the iPhone 5 se or interrupt mobile phone iPhone 6 c, will end than apple's current product line more competitive. Now the iPhone 6 domestic price RMB 3500 to 4000, equipped with A8 and 1 gb of RAM memory. Used by the iPhone 6 s Plus...