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Facebook tactics: in South Africa to push for free internet service

2015-06-25 11:23:18来源: 亿邦动力网

Facebook将为南非第三大无线运营商Cell C的用户提供一项免费上网服务,此举意在推广Internet.org联网项目,扩大南非用户规模。毕竟,南非是目前非洲大陆经济最发达的国家。据报道,从7月份起,Cell C的用户可以免流量访问Facebook网站和客户端,以及其他大约30家涉及到健康医疗、求职招聘等领域的网站。值得注意的是,这项免流量上网服务只能在未来两个月时间里免流量访问完整功能的Facebook。两个月后,免流量计划只能访问一个基础版本的Facebook。如果需要访问完整功能版本,用户需要购买上网流量套餐。Facebook高管表示,希望通过这项服务,智能手机用户能够去尝试互联网...

Facebook for South Africa's third largest wireless carrier's cell C users with a free online service, a move intended to promote Internet.org networking project expand user scale in South Africa. After all, South Africa is the continent's most economically developed countries. According to reports, from July onwards, C Cell users can access the Facebook website and the client, and the other about 30 involved in health care, job recruitment and other areas of the site. It is worth noting that this free traffic Internet service only in the next two months to avoid traffic access to the full function of Facebook. Two months later, the free traffic plan can only access a basic version of the Facebook. If you need to access the full functional version, users need to buy Internet traffic packages. Facebook executives said the hope that through this service, smart phone users can go to try the internet...