新关注 > 信息聚合 > 令人忍俊不禁 历数新手时期的逗比行为

令人忍俊不禁 历数新手时期的逗比行为

Laughing funny than the behavior of novice listing period

2015-11-11 14:19:29来源: 新浪

无论是刚来到《梦三国2》世界的新人,还是已经摸爬滚打多年的老手,都要经历饱受摧残的新手时期。当时的我们由于刚上手这款游戏,肯定会闹出不少笑话,小编就来给这些逗比行为来个大盘点,请各位不要边吃饭边看哦。 逗比行为: 我选的这个英雄感觉好腻害,我要去打野,我要去推塔,结果被野怪杀死或者直...

whether it is just to "dream 2" three new world, or has fought for many years veteran, have battered new period. At that time, we have just started this game, will certainly make a lot of jokes, small make up to these funny than the behavior to a large point, please do not have to eat and see oh. Tease than behavior: I choose the hero feels good and bad, I want to go to play wild, I want to push the tower, the results were wild strange kill or straight...