新关注 > 信息聚合 > Gap全渠道落子中国 联合天猫商城推出门店发货

Gap全渠道落子中国 联合天猫商城推出门店发货

Gap full channel Chinese Lazi joint Tmall mall launched stores delivery

2016-06-29 10:01:55来源: 亿邦动力网

6月29日消息,近日,盖璞集团旗下Gap品牌推出门店发货(ship from store)服务,联合天猫商城在中国实践全渠道战略。天猫夏季大促期间,Gap品牌天猫旗舰店推出门店发货服务据了解,Gap品牌天猫旗舰店联合中国大陆12座城市的57家门店参与了此次活动。活动期间,消费者在Gap品牌的天猫商城旗舰店下单后,系统便会自动帮助选择距离其最近的门店或发货仓进行配送,有效地提升了货物配送效率。此外,消费者也可通过网页查询附近门店中是否有他们喜欢的商品,亲自到店铺进行试穿和购买。活动期间,消费者可在页面上查询参与活动的门店信息Gap电商部门负责人May Ng表示:“门店发货服务,不仅帮助消费者更加...

June 29 news, recently, cover Pu Group's gap brand launched (ship from store store shipping services, combined with lynx mall full channel strategy in practice in China. Tmall summer big promotion period, the Gap brand Tmall's flagship store launched store delivery services, it is understood, Gap Tmall flagship store in 12 cities in China and 57 stores in the city participated in the event. During the event, consumers in the Gap brand Tmall mall flagship store after the order, the system will automatically help to choose from its nearest store or warehouse delivery, effectively improve the efficiency of the distribution of goods. In addition, consumers can also be through the web query near the store if they like goods, personally to the store to try and buy. During the event, consumers can check the information on the page to participate in the activities of the store information Gap electricity business department head Ng May said: shop delivery services, not only to help consumers more...

标签: 天猫