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The mystery of the world's top ten ages pyramid unsolved: Pharaoh tomb

2015-06-28 16:58:31来源: 科技讯

金字塔是古代人类为部族首领或者王国法老所修建的奇特陵墓。因其超前的构造与奇特的内部结构,很多建造工艺甚至现在机械都无法模拟,也让科学家们对其研究时充满敬畏,而且不同的金字塔中,也隐藏着各种不为人知的神秘未解之谜。 【科技讯】6月28日消息,金字塔是古代人类为部族首领或者王国法老所修建...

pyramid is strange ancient tribal chiefs, or kingdom Pharaohs built mausoleum. Due to its advanced structure and unique internal structure, much of the construction process even now the machine can imitate, also let scientists awe to the study and the different pyramid, but also hidden all unknown mysterious unsolved mysteries. [science and technology] June 28th news, Pyramid is the ancient people of the tribal leaders or the kingdom of the Pharaoh built...