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剑网三95级的一些事 有多少是你不知道的?

Something Jian Wang three with grade 95 is how much you don't know?

2015-11-06 10:54:17来源: 游久网

随着剑胆琴心新资料篇开放,小伙伴们对于95级版本内容也陆续有些了解,下面小编带来一篇文章简单介绍一下95级的那些你不知道的事情。 1.背包里的萤石,萤石碎片还在,需要你手动右键鼠标确认才能转换成新版的五行石。 2.90锻造道具【天工·索野】已变成灰色物品,但是不用担心,自动卖掉就...

with jiandanqinxin new documents open and small partners to 95 version also gradually understand some, the following Xiaobian bring an article simple introduce 95 of those you don't know the things. 1 pack of fluorite, fluorite debris is still, you need to manually right mouse to confirm to convert into a new version of the five line stone. 2.90 forging props [day workers and the wild] has become a gray item, but do not have to worry about, automatically sell...