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《GT赛车》系列官方销量数据公布 超七千万套

"GT racing" series of official sales data released over seventy million sets

2015-12-16 12:15:55来源: 新浪

作为索尼游戏旗下重要的品牌之一,《GT赛车》系列一向都是为PS历代主机贡献销量的重头戏,而游戏开发工作室Polyphony Digital近日在官网上公开了目前历代游戏的销量数据,从中能看到一些最新变化。 《GT赛车》(Gran Turismo),1997年12月23日发售,平台PS...

Sony's game, as an important one of the brand, the Gran Turismo series is always the highlight of the PS host through the ages the contribution of sales, and game development studio polyphony digital recently on the official website discloses the ancient game sales data, we can see some of the latest changes in. "GT racing" (Turismo Gran), December 23, 1997 sale, platform PS...