新关注 > 信息聚合 > 今年双11还能这样玩:不仅能抢红包还可以和马云..


Double 11 this year can play like this: not only can grab a red envelope can and Mr. Ma..

2016-10-21 12:31:42来源: TechWeb

“进入第8年的双11,已远不止于一次购物狂欢,而是开启一个新零售时代”,阿里巴巴集团CEO张勇在今天的天猫双11全球狂欢节发布会上宣布。 张勇认为,除了这个巨大的意义之外,每年双11成功的标志就是创新——“我们每年都会去想很多新主意,新业务的方式,来做今年双11的创新。” 据了解,今...

"Double 11 into 8 years, has been more than a shopping spree, but open up a new era of retail", alibaba group CEO zhang yong in today's Tmall double 11 carnival conference announced around the world. Zhang believes that in addition to the meaning of this huge, double every year 11 a mark of success is innovation, "every year we go to a lot of new idea, new way of the business, for the innovation of the double 11 this year." It is reported that today...