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索尼对Free To Play运营模式前景充满信心

Speech segment of Free To Play Sony operation mode of full confidence in the prospects

2015-03-05 14:22:01来源: 多玩游戏

在昨天举行的GDC游戏开发者大会的演讲环节中,来自索尼的Sarah Thompson谈到了PS4游戏上F2P(Free-To-Play)免费游玩模式的崛起,这一领域近年来突飞猛进的进步,让索尼相信它将在未来成为公司数字事业部不可或缺的组成部分之一。 “我们已经把它视为数字事业部重要的一份...

held yesterday in the GDC Game Developers Conference, from Sony Sarah Thompson talks about PS4 games on the F2P (Free-To-Play) free play mode rise, make a spurt of progress in this field in recent years progress, let Sony believe it will in the future become one of the indispensable part of digital division. "We have been regarded as important a digital division...

标签: 索尼