新关注 > 信息聚合 > 国家发改委:促进社会办医的意义与六大关键点


The meaning of the national development and reform commission (NDRC) : promoting social do medical and six key points

2019-03-01 14:10:00来源: 亿欧


[editor's note] vigorously promote social do medical, offer the masses of the people of diverse medical and health services, both to increase the well-being of the people's livelihood, and can cause of the people's livelihood and industry prosperity, kill two birds with one stone. This paper analyzes the significance of promoting social do medical and six key points. This paper is derived from "the national development and reform commission" WeChat ID, author: XingWei (institute of China's macro economy society); After the big health editor, for the industry reference. To promote social do medical, is the important measure of deepening the reform of medical health system, supply side structural reform in the field of health care is important gripper, is an important part of the health of China construction. At present, the social forces widely entered the medical and health fields, and face significant new development opportunity, social do medical will be to meet the needs of the people's health have a significant effect. A, promote social do medical speed up the development of the significance of the "difficult" is long troubled at all levels of government and social public affairs of the people's livelihood. With the development of economic and social...