新关注 > 信息聚合 > 打的爽还是射的爽?游戏中让人印象深刻的武器


Play cool still shoot cool? The game's impressive weapons

2015-04-16 21:04:41来源: 大河网

在游戏的世界里总有那“蛋蛋”的忧伤,不管是动作游戏、格斗游戏、还是FPS游戏,哪怕是一些解密游戏,总有那么一两件让玩家感觉到“爽”的武器。不管是射的“爽“;还是打的”爽“;总之让玩家在游戏中体验到了一种快感,并且让玩家为之着迷。 今天小编为大家搜集了一些经典游戏中的武器,各有千秋大不...

always have the "egg" sadness in the game world, whether action games, fighting games, and FPS games, even some puzzle game, there are one or two let the game player to feel "good" weapon. Whether it is "cool" shot; or hit the "cool"; in that game player to experience a pleasure in the game, and let the game player fascinated. Today Xiaobian collected some of the classic game of weapons, Each has its own merits. not...

标签: 游戏