新关注 > 信息聚合 > 居理新房获数千万美元B轮融资,开启新房电商模式


In the bridal chamber by tens of millions of dollars to B round, open a new electric model

2017-08-17 19:19:41来源: DoNews

DoNews8月16日消息 (记者 费倩文)16日,新房电商居理新房对外宣布完成由祥峰投资领投,老股东源码资本跟投的数千万美元B轮融资。据居理新房创始人兼CEO王鹏称居理新房是首个完成B轮融资的新房电商。据公开资料显示,居理新房(原侃家网)成立于2014年,是国内领先的新房电商平台,通过大数据精准匹配需求,帮助消费者高效购买到适合的房产。目前,居理新房已经进驻北京、上海、天津、广州、苏州、杭州和成都等7座城市,覆盖400余个合作楼盘,并已成为全国最大的新房电商平台,在北京、上海市占率均为第一。王鹏认为,新房进入下半场,房产服务也进入下半场。房产下半场的特点是供给充分、需求释放、回归居住。对应这...

Message DoNews8. 16 (reporter FeiQianWen) 16, new electrical contractor in the completion of the new house announced investment led by auspicious peak, the old capital source shareholders with tens of millions of dollars to B round of funding. According to the principle in bridal chamber, founder and CEO Paul peng wang said in the completion of the new house is one of the first B round of new electronic business. According to public information, the bridal chamber (the original kan home network) was established in 2014, is a leading domestic new electric business platform, through the big data precision matching requirements, to help consumers efficiently buy suitable property. At present, in the bridal chamber has been stationed in Beijing, Shanghai, tianjin, guangzhou, suzhou, hangzhou and chengdu and other seven cities, covering more than 400 cooperative development, and has become the nation's largest bridal chamber electric business platform, in Beijing, Shanghai share are first. Paul peng wang believes that bridal chamber into the second half, the property service will enter the second half. The characteristics of real estate in the second half as supply, demand release, return to live in. Corresponding to the...

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