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百炼成仙手游灵兽如何培养 灵兽培养攻略

How to cultivate energy-saving Mobile Games beast beast training Raiders

2015-04-16 14:06:50来源: 4399

主角的身边得力帮手非常多,不仅仅有伙伴的加入还有有忠诚的灵兽,那么百炼成仙手游中的灵兽如何培养,下面4399东东一起为玩家介绍下灵兽的培养心得体验吧。 灵兽要如何获得? 1. 玩家在游戏中可通过试炼之路副本获得灵兽蛋; 2. 获得灵兽蛋后进行孵化可获得灵兽,孵化时间根据灵兽蛋的种类...

lead a great help to me very much, not only to have loyal partners created, so energy-saving in Mobile Games reveal how to cultivate, the following 4399 things together for the game player experience training experience under the beast. They reveal how to get? The 1 game player can be obtained through the trials of the road they reveal the egg copy in the game; 2 was created after hatching eggs can be created, according to the kind of beast egg incubation time...

标签: 手游