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DOTA之后论“英雄” LOL与Hots谁与争锋

Hardcore game player who "hero" on DOTA after LOL and Hots who

2015-01-10 08:11:35来源: 天极网

游戏龄在10年以上的骨灰级玩家们一定会知道,曾经有个WAR3的个人开发地图造就了整个世界游戏圈的革命——那个地图名就是DOTA。他的制作者冰蛙也被认为是游戏圈中的历史缔造者,通过一张地图发开出一个全新的游戏领域。 DOTA的辉煌历史 Dota定下了游戏模式,后继者们借鉴了这块基石...

game for more than 10 years old will know, once a WAR3 personal development map makes the whole world the circle game Revolution -- the map name is DOTA. His Maker ice frog is also considered a game in the circle of history maker, by a map sending out a brand new game field. Brilliant history of Dota DOTA to set the mode of the game, from the foundation of successors...