新关注 > 信息聚合 > 共创国际细说电子商务的优点放心选择


Create international into e-commerce has the advantage to choose rest assured

2015-01-27 11:41:39来源: 世界服装鞋帽网

共创国际细说电子商务的优点放心选择。与传统商务形式相比,电子商务有以下几个特点: (1)市场全球化。凡是能够上网的人,无论是在南非上网还是在北美上网,都将被包容在一个市场中,有可能成为上网企业的客户。 (2)交易的快捷化。电子商务能在世界各地瞬间完成传递与计算机自动处理,而且无须...

create international into e-commerce has the advantage to choose rest assured. Compared with the traditional commerce, e-commerce has the following characteristics: (1) market globalization. Who can access the Internet, both in South Africa on the Internet or in North America online, will be contained in a market, has the potential to become the Internet enterprise customers. (2) fast trading. Electronic commerce can instantly complete transmission automatic processing and computer in the world, and no need to...

标签: 电子商务