新关注 > 信息聚合 > 宁德市电子商务发展机遇与困境并存


Ningde City e-commerce opportunities and difficulties of the coexistence of

2015-05-28 09:46:49来源: 东南网

徐烽 作 电子商务近年来在国内的发展方兴未艾,作为一种已被广泛认可的现代流通方式,电子商务在我市的产业发展中正扮演着越来越重要的角色。如我市的茶叶、果蔬、海产品等各类农特产品借助网络手段开始“快递”到世界各地。但在蓬勃发展的同时,电子商务在我市的发展也遭遇了物流能力不足、人才缺乏、配套...

Xu Feng for e-commerce in recent years in the domestic development is in the ascendant, as a has been widely recognized by modern circulation mode, e-commerce in the city's industrial development is playing a more and more important roles. I like the tea, fruits and vegetables, seafood and so on all kinds of agricultural products through the network means to "express" to the world. But in the vigorous development, e-commerce in our city development also suffered the lack of logistics capabilities, the lack of talent, matching...

标签: 电子商务