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男人们的战斗 《天之禁》新服7月1日开启

Men are fighting the day and the new suit to open on July 1

2016-06-21 15:30:44来源: 天极网

超越自我,突破极限,是男人就要战斗30层。国产玄幻武侠扛鼎之作《天之禁》将于7月1日13点开启新篇章!全新大区极限公测大区开幕,正式拉开后公测时代序章,首服【挑战】激情开启。永夜迷城暗藏汹涌,勇士集结勇闯30层,赢10万元首通基金。百万公会赛风云再起,豪门对战,决胜千里之外。 【迷城...

To surpass ourselves and to break through the limit, is a man to fight 30 layer. Domestic fantasy martial arts jiuge "ban of day" on July 1, 13 points to open a new chapter! New regional limit public beta regional opening, prologue officially opened after the open beta era, first served "challenge" passion to open. Darkness hide distant thunder surge, the warriors gate-crashers celebrated 30 layer, win 100000 heads of state funds. Millions of guild clouds gather over the giants against, thousands of miles away. The distant thunder...