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《X战娘》登上ios榜单前三! 主打宅男市场获好评

"X" and "" on the top of the IOS list! Flagship otaku market won praise

2015-08-31 13:59:02来源: 不凡游戏网

《X战娘》手游自开测以来,便受到了宅男玩家的热捧,7月19日《X战娘》正式登陆App Store,并在七夕中国情人节当天悄然登上ios付费榜第三,在探险类游戏榜单登顶。如此短的时间,《X战娘》就能取得这般优异成绩,让人不禁好奇这款游戏究竟是怎么做到。 《X战娘》是由银月网络研发、月球漫...

"x war Niang" tour since the open test since, it has been touted otaku internationally, July 19, the X war Niang "officially landed the app store, and in the seventh Chinese Valentine's day quietly boarded the IOS pay list third. In the list of the adventure games, single summit. Such a short time, "X" can achieve such excellent results, people can not help wondering how the game is done. "X" is a network of silver moon, the moon diffuse...

标签: iOS