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休眠守护者再出发 回归圣所领专属福利

Dormancy Guardian then starting regression sanctuary brought special welfare

2015-03-04 16:11:31来源: 多玩游戏

3月4日起,超过30天未登录游戏的账号,账号下所有角色进入游戏均可获得增益道具。 亲爱的永恒之塔玩家: 感受主神的恩赐,当各位守护者从休眠期苏醒时,将获得进入神圣的回归守护者之圣所的资格,以及特殊增益。圣所提供给各位守护者快速提升装备以及等级的帮助,以帮助守护者在苏醒之后迅速投入...

3 on Sept. 4, more than 30 days did not login the game account number, account all characters entered the game can gain props. Dear aion game player: feel the LORD God's gift, when fellow guardian from dormancy waking, will get into the holy sanctuary regression Guardian qualifications, and special gain. The sanctuary for you to quickly upgrade the level of equipment as well as the guardian of the help, to help the guardians into rapidly in the awake...