新关注 > 信息聚合 > 飞智游戏厅携“黑武士X9手柄”正式开启淘宝众筹


Fly wisdom game hall "Black Warrior x9 handle" officially opened Taobao all raise

2015-07-21 16:16:24来源: 科技讯

飞智游戏厅官网公布,飞智将于7月21日携“黑武士X9手柄套装”开启淘宝众筹。 飞智游戏厅是国内领先的跨屏的手柄游戏平台,旗下黑武士X9手柄一直保持着良好的销售势头。飞智CEO汪沁秉承着追求“精品产品”的市场策略,在短短的一年时间里多次改进黑武士手柄,旗下的产品获得了广泛好评。本次淘宝...

fly wisdom game hall's official website announced that Zhi Fei will be on July 21, carrying "Black Warrior x9 handle suit" open Taobao to raise public. Flying game hall is the leading domestic cross screen handle game platform, the black Samurai X9 handle has maintained a good sales momentum. Fly wisdom CEO Wang Qin adhering to the pursuit of "quality products" market strategy, in a short period of time a number of improvements the Black Knight handle, its products won the wide acclaim. This taobao...

标签: 游戏 众筹