新关注 > 信息聚合 > 凌烟阁六阶队伍招募:期待女魔加入一起移民PK


The lingyange sixth order team recruited: look forward to devil to join together to immigration PK

2015-06-29 22:05:01来源: 游久网

看大图 曾在紫芝仙苑,后移民凌烟阁。 热爱PK,视PK为最大的乐趣。 寻找志同道合的女魔--你在哪里? 自我介绍--队伍现状 第一时间记者笑嫣然:你好,我是第一时间记者笑嫣然。 碎碎的心:嫣然你好。 第一时间记者笑嫣然:先来简单的介绍一下自己吧,之前就在凌烟阁...

enlarge in Ganoderma Xian yuan and emigrated to the lingyange. Love PK, as PK for the greatest fun. Looking for like-minded devil, you where? Self introduction -- status quo of team the first time reporter qiaoxiaoyanran: Hello, this is the first time reporter qiaoxiaoyanran. Broken heart: sweet hello. The first time the reporter smile: first to introduce yourself, just before the lingyange...