新关注 > 信息聚合 > 双11包裹积压 警惕网购退款、邮包藏毒诈骗

双11包裹积压 警惕网购退款、邮包藏毒诈骗

Double 11 package backlog alert online shopping refund, parcel possession fraud

2014-11-13 12:26:45来源: 站长之家

“双十一”在创造了无数个记录之后终于落下帷幕,相信很多用户也都在焦急的等待着自己的“战利品”。然而由于订单量太大、包裹积压导致可能出现订单失效、配送延迟等问题,诈骗分子也瞅准了这个“时机”,肆机对用户实施诈骗。其惯用伎俩主要是“网购退款”和“邮包藏毒”类诈骗短信。 另据《2014年移动...

"double eleven" after the creation of numerous records finally ended, I believe that many users also are anxiously waiting for their "booty". However due to the order quantity is too big, the package backlog leading to possible orders, delivery delay, failure, fraudsters are also aimed at this "opportunity", four machine implementation of fraud to the user. The trick is mainly "online shopping refund" and "parcel possession" type of fraud sms. According to "2014 mobile...