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京东揽入大牌丝芙兰:开设旗舰店 发力美妆业务

Jingdong into major suit: flagship store Sephora force beauty business

2015-05-13 18:58:38来源: DoNews

DoNews 5月13日消息(记者 周勤燕)京东今日宣布与全球化妆品零售商SEPHORA丝芙兰达成合作,后者将在京东开设官方旗舰店,成为京东上规模最大的美妆旗舰店。双方将采用平台模式,由丝芙兰负责物流策划、仓储和售后服务,京东负责物流配送。 据介绍,丝芙兰将在京东旗舰店销售旗下拥有品...

DoNews May 13th news (reporter Zhou Qinyan) Jingdong today announced a partnership with the global cosmetics retailer Sephora SEPHORA, which will open the official flagship store in Jingdong, Jingdong became the largest beauty flagship store. The two sides will adopt the platform model, is responsible for planning, warehousing and logistics, customer service service, Jingdong responsible for logistics distribution. According to reports, Sephora will have the goods in Jingdong's flagship store sales...

标签: 京东