新关注 > 信息聚合 > 2016VGL暴雪游戏音乐会上海站正式开票


2016 VGL blizzard games Shanghai concert officially make out an invoice

2016-08-01 12:21:49来源: 17173

号外号外!2016 Video Games Live暴雪游戏音乐会超级巡演——上海站门票正式开售啦! 具体开票信息已在AmuseLive乐缪斯合作伙伴永乐票务官网及大麦网官方网站发布,其他城市的门票开售信息也已在永乐及大麦票务官网和乐缪斯官网公布,敬请关注! 关于VGL: Vid...

Okokokokok! 2016 Video Games Live blizzard Games super concert tour - Shanghai tickets formal sale! Specific information of make out an invoice is in Muse AmuseLive partners yongle ticketing website and barley net official website released, other cities ticket sale information has also been in the yongle and barley ticketing website and Muse's website, please attention! About VGL: Vid...

标签: 游戏 暴雪