新关注 > 信息聚合 > 杭州逆行崩溃小伙自述:压倒我的还有只狼的剑圣


Hangzhou retrograde crash guy narration: OverPower me and the Wolf's sword saint

2019-04-03 17:11:03来源: 游戏茶馆


"Segment Hand" 1818 Golden Eye These two days and contracted the online hotspot. A small Hangzhou guy because of cycling retrograde by the traffic police stopped education, did not expect to make a phone call after a sudden collapse of tears, caused netizens in the network on the pressure of life heated debate. Late on the night of April 2, the young man himself was suspected to have answered anonymously in connection with the relevant questions. Everyone just found out that putting pressure on him besides work and girlfriends, as if there was "wolf." In the answer, the youngster said he had a weak emotional control and happened to face the triple pressure of punishment, girlfriend and work that day, leaving him out of control. And the name of the sword St. Reed in "the Wolf"