新关注 > 信息聚合 > 美团CEO王兴:数字经济进入新阶段 与实体经济深度融合

美团CEO王兴:数字经济进入新阶段 与实体经济深度融合

Wang Xing, CEO of Art Corps: Digital Economy Entering a New Stage and Deep Integration of Real Economy

2018-04-23 21:37:36来源: DoNews

DoNews 4月23日消息(记者 向密) 在福州举办的首届数字中国建设峰会上,美团CEO王兴表示,数字经济已进入新阶段,在美团的实践中,深切感受到必须把数字化、网络化、智能化的力量深度融合到实体经济之中,提升各个行业的效率,造福人民的美好生活。在这个新阶段中,将带来中国创新的新机会,也将创造出中国走向世界的新机会。王兴在演讲中谈到:“检验数字经济发展的根本标准,就是老百姓的美好生活需要是不是被更好的满足。”他表示,以习近平总书记在刚刚结束的全国网信工作会议上的重要讲话精神为指引,加快推动数字产业化正是数字经济新阶段最重要和最重大的机遇之一,美团希望主动融入实体经济的生产、生活的方方面面,通过...

DoNews, April 23 (Reporter Xiangmi) At the first Digital China Construction Summit held in Fuzhou, Wang Xing, CEO of the delegation, said that the digital economy has entered a new stage. In the practice of the delegation, we deeply feel that we must integrate the power of digitalization, networking and intellectualization into the real economy, improve the efficiency of various industries and benefit the people's better life. In this new stage, it will bring new opportunities for China's innovation and also create new opportunities for China to go to the world. In his speech, Wang Xing said, "The fundamental criterion for testing the development of digital economy is whether the people's needs for a better life are better met." He said that under the guidance of the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech at the just-concluded National Netcom Work Conference, accelerating the promotion of digital industrialization is one of the most important and important opportunities in the new stage of digital economy. The delegation hopes to actively integrate into all aspects of production and life of the real economy and adopt the uuuuuu