新关注 > 信息聚合 > 贺岁弹跳趣味手游《弹弹猴》 明日App Store独家..

贺岁弹跳趣味手游《弹弹猴》 明日App Store独家..

A high bounce interesting mobile game "play monkey" App Store exclusive tomorrow..

2016-01-27 14:34:29来源: 4399

今年是猴年,网易特别应景的出了一款《弹弹猴》,明日(1月28日)将在App Store上独家首发。浓郁热带风情、新奇无尽弹射,《弹弹猴》携猴年福利打造花样贺岁惊喜!猴年行大运,和《弹弹猴》一起开启你的弹跳生涯吧! ▍网易贺岁大作 风靡西方世界 新春佳节喜意融融,贺岁必得拿出诚意。网易...

This year is the year of the monkey, netease special holiday out of a "play monkey", tomorrow (January 28) will be exclusive starting in the App Store. Rich tropical amorous feelings, novel and endless ejection, the play monkey monkey with welfare building pattern new surprise! Monkey line of the universiade, and "play monkey" open you bounce career together! ▍ netease in order Popular in the western world XiYi of the Spring Festival, happy New Year shall be sincerity. Netease...

标签: APP 手游