新关注 > 信息聚合 > 移动游戏时代,中国游戏与世界同步


The era of mobile gaming, the rapid spread of the mobile device hardware and 4G networks with Chinese game and the world synchronization

2015-11-16 10:35:17来源: 天极网

伴随移动设备硬件和4G网络的快速普及,外加智能手机换机潮的刺激,中国移动游戏行业从2012年以来迅猛发展,移动游戏市场以摧枯拉朽之势快速成为引领中国游戏产业发展的中坚力量。 不同于端游、页游时代国人苦苦模仿并山寨海外同行的苦闷局面,在移动游戏时代,来自中国的游戏人已经与世界同步——这...

plus smartphone replacement tide of stimulus, China mobile gaming industry since 2012 rapid development, the mobile gaming market to Cuikulaxiu trend quickly become the backbone to lead the development of Chinese game industry. Unlike the end of the tour, page tour times the country's hard to imitate and the situation of the cottage overseas counterparts, in the era of mobile games, Chinese players have been synchronized with the world - this...

标签: 游戏