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轻松超神 惠普ENVY 14-U004TX商家热卖

Easy godlike HP envy 14-U004TX businesses selling

2015-02-15 06:53:14来源: 中关村在线

(中关村在线上海行情)惠普ENVY 14-U004TX笔记本采用了14英寸1080P雾面屏,可以有效阻止强光和反射光的干扰,在配置上则采用了双核四线程的Intel酷睿i7处理器和全新Maxwell构架的NVIDIA GTX 850M强劲独显,并具有8GB大内存,主流游戏可特效全开,让您轻...

(Shanghai market Zhongguancun Online) HP envy 14-U004TX notebook with the 14 inch 1080p matte screen, can effectively prevent the interference of light and reflected light, in the configuration is used four threads in dual core Intel Core i7 processor and a new Maxwell framework NVIDIA GTX 850m alone significantly stronger, and has 8GB of memory, the mainstream game can be full effect, let your light.