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苹果iOS 13揭秘:深色模式、多任务、新手势等

Apple iOS 13 Secrets: Dark Mode, Multitask, New Gestures, etc.

2019-04-16 06:33:14来源: IT之家

今年6月3日,苹果将会举办WWDC 2019全球开发者大会。若按照惯例,苹果预计将提供其主要操作系统未来版本的功能预览。在这其中,最吸引人的无疑将是“iOS 13”,因此关于iOS 13的传闻最近开始陆续浮出水面。日前,熟悉此事的消息人士以及开发人员Steve Troughton-Smith放出了更多细节。深色模式。iOS 13操作系统更新的一大亮点将会是深色模式(Dark Mode),预计这个功能预计将与此前macOS的类似。一旦开启深色模式,较深的配色方案将作用于整个iOS系统,包括iOS随附的应用,届时应用系统外观和应用都将以更暗的背景、更亮的文本、高对比度和其他元素呈现。另外,第三方应...

On June 3, Apple will host the WWDC Global Developers Conference 2009. By convention, Apple is expected to provide a functional preview of future versions of its major operating systems. Among them, the most attractive will undoubtedly be "iOS 13", so rumors about iOS 13 have begun to surface recently. A few days ago, Steve Troughton-Smith, a source familiar with the matter, gave more details. Dark mode. One of the highlights of iOS 13 OS updates will be Dark Mode, which is expected to be similar to previous macOS. Once dark mode is turned on, the deeper color scheme will be applied to the entire iOS system, including the applications attached to iOS, and the appearance and application of the application system will be presented in a darker background, brighter text, high contrast and other elements. In addition, the third party should ____________

标签: 苹果 iOS