新关注 > 信息聚合 > 唯品会抓住女性的小秘密:给她炫耀的理由


Reason for her to show off: the only product will seize women's little secret

2015-12-16 12:39:43来源: 亿邦动力网


December 16 news, Jia Feng, vice president of the road will be the only product in the billion state power network hosted the tenth annual meeting of China's online retail delivered a public speech. He believes that "women have to the world" and shared online consumer features. Jia Feng, vice president of the road only product, he said, the only product will be based on the industry's key word is "differentiation", and has always insisted on shopping does not have to search through the consumption patterns of consumer characteristics and consumer behavior analysis, non-standard focusing Deals category of goods. Jia Feng Road, believes that Chinese women are a special consumer groups, "Chinese women are more entitled to more money, so the woman was who in the world." His analysis, first of all, because the Chinese women's independence, in terms of money and families to buy more discretion; Secondly, because three or four lines, although women work saturation than a second-tier city women, but more time so that they more understanding of the brand, to stimulate more buying interest, so one, two, three, four female difference in consumption levels ...