新关注 > 信息聚合 > 还会跳票吗 爆料称《GTA5》PC版光盘压制完成

还会跳票吗 爆料称《GTA5》PC版光盘压制完成

It broke the news that will be later "PC GTA5" CD suppress completed

2015-04-02 17:59:13来源: 新浪

现在任何有关《侠盗猎车手5》PC版的消息都会引发玩家们围观,毕竟现在距离官方公布的上市时间只剩下不到半个月的时间。而在愚人节当日有传闻表示PC版或再次跳票,上市时间预计在6月,然而现在有消息表明PC版已经进入铺货阶段,也就是说跳票的可能性非常的低。 GTA5 据爆料人表示目前全球的...

now any "Grand Theft Auto" PC 5 version of the game player to watch news will trigger, time to market is now from the official announcement only less than half a month's time. In the April Fool's day there are rumors that the PC version or bounced again, time to market is expected in June, but now there is news that PC has entered the stage of distribution, that is to say the possibility of very low bounce. GTA5 broke the news that according to the current global...

标签: PC