新关注 > 信息聚合 > 星际传奇装备系统详解 神装助你成功

星际传奇装备系统详解 神装助你成功

Star legend God installed equipment systems to help you succeed in the world of

2015-04-10 18:43:27来源: 4399

在星际传奇世界里,每个英雄的装备都是独一无二,绝不重样的。到底要怎么样才能获得神装呢?赶紧跟着小编一起来看看吧! 英雄可以配备四种不同类型的装备:武器、防具、饰品、配件。英雄初始身上没有任何装备,需要搜集装备对应的素材将它们逐件合成。 装备空位上显示“可合成” 点击任何一个装备空位...

star legend, each hero equipment are the one and only, not heavy like. How on earth can get God installed? Hurriedly follow small make up and have a look! Heroes can be equipped with four different types of equipment: weapons, armor, jewelry, accessories. Heroes start without any equipment, need to collect equipment corresponding to them by synthetic material. Equipment vacancy display "synthesis" click on any equipment...

标签: 星际传奇