新关注 > 信息聚合 > 滴滴入股汽车租赁企业赢时通,发力分时租赁


Yestock drops in car rental enterprises, with the lease

2018-03-19 17:12:00来源: 品途网

品途商业评论讯 3月19日,有媒体报道称,滴滴出行将通过认购股份的方式对综合性汽车服务供应商赢时通进行投资,完成后成为赢时通重要股东。滴滴方面确认了此消息,但具体金额和持股比例未公布。赢时通官网介绍,赢时通汽车服务有限公司是赢时通集团的主打服务品牌,是全国稳居前三的实力型汽车租赁服务企业。为企业和个人用户提供商务租车、省内外旅游包车、单位上下班租车、自驾租车、婚庆租车、企业集体/团体包车、机场接送及领导出差用车等汽车租赁综合服务方案。赢时通集团成立于1999年,总部位于深圳,是集汽车租赁、GPS、移动新传媒和金融投资四大事业群的大型多元化高新技术企业。集团旗下有4家全资子公司及合资公司为:深圳...

Product way business review on March 19, there are media reports that drops will travel through the way of the subscription shares to invest in comprehensive auto service provider yestock, become yestock after the completion of major shareholders. Drops has confirmed the news, but the specific amount and stake not released. Yestock website yestock, automobile service co., LTD is a leading service brand yestock group, is the country ranks top 3 "brand car rental service enterprises. For enterprises and individuals to provide business car rental, both tour charter, unit commuter car rental, car rental, wedding car rental zijia, enterprise collective/group transporting, such as the airport shuttle and leadership on business car rental car comprehensive service solutions. Yestock group was founded in 1999, headquartered in shenzhen, is a set of car rental, GPS, mobile new media and financial investment four big enterprise group of large diversified high-tech enterprises. Group has four wholly-owned subsidiaries and joint venture company is: shenzhen...