新关注 > 信息聚合 > 2年融7亿刀,征服60万商超,他刚过而立之年就要做零售业的“赋能者”


2 years melt 700 million knife, conquer 600000 traders, he just turned 30 do retail "enabler"

2017-04-25 18:16:43来源: DoNews


Ali's new retail and jingdong home is totally different. The former box is proprietary supermarket Ma Xian born to put it bluntly, get is, 'or you buy down to save you, or kill you "way; The jingdong home in front of the traditional retail enterprises (including the supermarket), as is the role of the 'enable'. "We don't do, only can do fu and revolution." Philip kuai said. What kind of people you normally meet? What kind of problem will care about others? Do you think the purpose of the business and the ideal results will be like? Don't you feel, feelings have tacky to most should not be filed today's entrepreneurs? Do you have been difficult to quantify the data in the information age, and everything in life but in routine work. I know, there is always a group of people, they know what to do. Ali and jingdong? No, we don't like Philip kuai and are not like many entrepreneurs, answering questions, like bowed their heads and frowned slightly, the logic is clear, also...