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按传闻组合的完美苹果AirPods 2,你最关注哪一点?

According to the combination of perfect apple rumours AirPods 2, what point are you most concerned?

2019-03-18 20:09:56来源: IT之家

来自各方面的爆料都在宣称苹果新一代AirPods即将于2019年推出,不知不觉这款苹果的无线耳机推出已经3年了。AirPods的发售曾经饱受争议,因为它的亮相伴随的是iPhone 7/7 Plus弃用3.5mm耳机插孔。很多人认为,这是苹果推出的一种应急方案而已。更有甚者,猜测传统耳机插孔的消失就是为了能多卖无线耳机。AirPods从推出时各种各样的怀疑和恶搞不断演变成被大众市场所接受的明星配件,这个过程也实在是有趣。如果单从用户好评来讲,苹果这个售价1299元的无线分离式耳机比iPhone XS和XR要高多了。AirPods也带动了这类耳机配件的趋势,其他手机厂商纷纷砍掉3.5mm插孔,并且...

From all sides Revelations are claiming that a new generation of AirPods will be launched in 2019, before you know it the apple's wireless headset has been launched 3 years. AirPods sale was controversial because it's appearance is associated with the 7/7 iPhone Plus deprecated 3.5 mm headphone jack. Many people think, this is apple launched an emergency plan. What's more, guess the disappearance of traditional headphone jack is in order to sell more wireless headset. AirPods when launched from a variety of doubt and parody evolved to be accepted by the mass market star accessories, this process also is really interesting. If the single from the user's high praise, apple's price 1299 yuan of separate wireless headset is much higher than the XS and XR. AirPods also lead the trend of this kind of headset accessories, other phone makers are cut 3.5 mm jack, and...

标签: AI 苹果