新关注 > 信息聚合 > 微软OneNote安卓版更新:支持Win10新便笺和RTL布局


Microsoft OneNote android version update: new notes and support Win10 RTL layout

2019-02-13 17:06:31来源: IT之家

IT之家2月13日消息 近期微软OneNote移动应用安卓版迎来了16.0.11231.20138版本更新,在本次更新中,OneNote带来了此前Windows 10上的便笺功能,另外添加了对从右向左(RTL)布局支持。从现在起,你可以将想法和发现记录在OneNote这个专属于你的数字笔记本上,发挥创意的无限可能。使用OneNote,你可以捕获灵光一闪的想法、稍纵即逝的灵感,列出待办的任务列表,或者保留那些非常重要而绝不能忘记的旧笔记。无论你是在家里、办公室还是在路途中,你的笔记都将与你如影随形。你可以跨多个设备与其他人共享您的笔记并进行协作。下面是更新内容:便笺-在移动设备上与Ou...

IT's home on February 13 news & have spent Recently Microsoft OneNote android mobile application version for 16.0.11231.20138 version update, in this update, OneNote brought after Windows 10 notes on the function, also added support for from right to left (RTL) layout. From now on, you can record thoughts and found in OneNote this to belong to your digital notebook, creative possibilities. Use OneNote, you can capture, fleeting inspiration flashes idea, lists the to-do list of tasks, or keep those very important and can never forget the old notes. Whether you are at home, office, or in the way, your notes will follow with you. You can span multiple devices to share your notes and collaborate with other people. Here is update content: memo - on mobile devices with Ou...

标签: 安卓 微软