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郑爽又献声环球黑卡音频了 面对“黑料”她这么回……

Zheng Shuang universal black card audio voice again in the face of the "black" her so back...

2017-08-03 15:30:07来源: DoNews

爽妹子一直在微博畅所欲言,直率想说就说的性格惹来不少攻击,说话郑爽经历过放飞自我的那一段时间之后低调了很多。最近出了一本书,叫《郑爽的书》,名字也是简单直白的,很符合郑爽的性格。最近郑爽参与合作的环球黑卡项目推出的一系列音频节目《爽•约》, 第二期的节目中聊了她的新书。通过写书来表达自己想对粉丝说的话,让大家看到自己的另一面。郑爽还在节目 中首次正面回应网上“黑料”,对于键盘侠她回应,每个人都有自己的私生活,爆出的黑料不一定就是黑料,也许是因为光线比较暗,所以就称之为黑料了。很多的评论、报道也并不准确,跟键盘侠互怼非常没有意义。爽妹子一如既往拥用她自己独特的理解来说出自己的想法。还表示对于网上...

Great sister has been in weibo speak freely, frank to say said character to many attacks, speak Zheng Shuang experienced flying self that quiet a lot after a period of time. Recently published a book called Zheng Shuang's book, name is also simple and straightforward, very accord with Zheng Shuang character. Zheng Shuang universal black card cooperation projects recently launched a series of audio programmes "cool,", the second phase of the program about her new book. By writing books to express themselves want to say to fans, let everybody see their own the other side. Zheng Shuang still show positive response to the online "black", for the first time for keyboard man she respond, each of us has our own personal life, of the black is not black material, perhaps because the light is dark, so I call it the black material. A lot of comment, the report is not accurate, with the keyboard man mutual Dui very does not make sense. Great sister always have her own unique understanding of speaking out their own ideas. Also said to online...