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继手机淘宝后 消息称支付宝正内测直播功能

After the phone taobao News that pay treasure is closed live function

2016-06-19 16:41:33来源: 亿邦动力网


On June 19, news, friends have news recently, pay treasure is closed live function, the function is expected in the near future conference line. News that pay treasure is private live function TechWeb verify this news to pay treasure to respect people, were temporarily didn't get a response. From drying out by the screenshots show, in pay treasure options dialog, there are "live" this option. But TechWeb query multiple pay treasure account, found that did not appear as shown in the net friend "live" option. TechWeb query multiple alipay account now there was no live show options under the background of the live in such a hot, ali is its products have already tried to live. In march this year, the mobile phone platform taobao live live "taobao" is launched, the platform positioning in the "consumer live", it was revealed that the female proportion about 80%, accounted for a dominant. On April 21, live auction in papi sauce...

标签: 直播