新关注 > 信息聚合 > 马云在阿里苏宁的“婚礼”上说了这十句话


MA in Ali, Suning's "wedding" said the the ten sentences in

2015-08-10 17:45:46来源: 亿邦动力网


8 month on the 10th, billion state power network was informed that the latest in Alibaba group and Suning Group Business Co., Ltd. comprehensive strategic cooperation conference site, Alibaba Group chairman of the board Ma attended the conference of bilateral strategic cooperation and made a speech. Billion state power network on Ma tells the following 10 points are summarized: 1. Young people know the future, everything is for the future, rather than a vested interest in maintaining who. 2, the Internet Co rarely live more than 3 years: the traditional business is not good, both of the combination should be a good life. 3, the Internet economy in the next 30 years under the opportunity to online; the future of the traditional online business. 4, the Internet Co only consider their own profit, and other industries, traditional industries do not consider common development. 5, Suning is a great enterprise, for 20 years ago the Chinese economic development to make enormous contribution, we two are eating too much suffering. We are all the courage to face the future, in order not to...