新关注 > 信息聚合 > 雷军董明珠“10亿赌约”揭“盖头”:小米输给了格力,赢了承诺


Lei jun dong mingzhu "1 billion bet" jie "covering" : millet lost to gree, won the commitment

2019-03-20 07:13:32来源: IT之家


Millet yesterday released its 2018 earnings, since this is millet listed first annual report, also happens to be "1 billion" bet with ms dong lei jun due day. Gree performance forecast data, unsurprisingly, lei jun will be about more than 200 one hundred million yuan short lose the bet. But after earnings, lei jun's letter can vaguely feel, lei jun to report or satisfactory, more important is he said "proud" words and 2018 millet hardware integrated after-tax net interest rate is positive, less than 1%, has realized the pre-ipo promise: millet hardware integrated after-tax net interest rates never exceeded 5%. Lei jun lost to dong mingzhu, fulfills his promise. Lost to dong mingzhu 2013 China economic annual figure selection, lei jun dong mingzhu won the prize. Under the national people's attention, dong mingzhu and bet an lei jun: can bet on millet sales within five years more than gree electric appliances, funds to upgrade to 1 billion. When millet revenue...