新关注 > 信息聚合 > 15个品牌的“微商观”:烫手山芋如何拿捏


15 brands of "derivative concept: hot potato to calibrate

2015-06-16 16:51:00来源: 亿邦动力网

【编者按】毁誉参半的微商,在过去一年时间里搅动了整个电商甚至零售界。它有着让人嗤之以鼻的弊病,却也同时有着商业模式和利益的诱惑。对于在过去十年内被培养其根深蒂固“流量思维”的品牌商来说,微商成为一块烫手山芋,难以拿捏。 在过去一年内,品牌商们对微商的态度表现得千差万别,有的积极拥抱和鼓...

[editor in mixed derivative, in the past year stir the entire business and retail sector. It has a disadvantage to sniff at, but also has a business model and the temptation of interests. For in the past decade is training its deep-rooted "flow of thinking of the" brand, micro business become a hot potato, it is difficult to calibrate. In the past year, the brand's attitude to the micro manufacturers vary widely, and some positive hugs and drums...