新关注 > 信息聚合 > 一加7保护壳渲染图曝光:弹出式前摄,后置三摄


One plus 7 protection shell rendering exposure: pop-up proactive, rear three perturbation

2019-03-12 15:27:31来源: IT之家

IT之家3月12日消息 离一加手机7推出应该还有三个月左右的时间,但近期该机的消息在网上频繁曝光,消息称该机将采用弹出式前置摄像头设计。今天外媒又曝光了该机保护壳的渲染图,进一步确认了手机的设计。一加7保护壳的渲染图表明,该机将配备垂直排列的三颗后置摄像头,同时保护壳顶部为弹出式自拍相机留有一个开口。保护壳的左右两侧有两个切口,左侧有一个用于音量键的小切口,而右侧较宽的一个切口用于静音按键和电源按键。真实保护壳的图片显示略有不同的设计,右侧的开孔分开为两个,分别用于静音键和电源键。与上面的渲染图不同,这款保护壳似乎完全由聚碳酸酯制成,而渲染图中似乎是皮革和塑料的混合材质。一加7将配备...

IT's home on March 12, news & have spent From one plus phone 7 launch should have three months or so, but the recent news on the Internet this frequent exposure, reported that the machine will use pop-up front-facing camera design. Today, foreign media and exposes the machine shell rendering, further confirmed that the design of the mobile phone. One plus 7 protect shell rendering shows that the machine will be equipped with vertical arrangement of the three rear camera, at the same time protect shell top for pop-up take camera with an opening. Protect shell left and right sides of the two incision, the left side there is a small incision for the volume button, and wide on the right side of an incision for mute button and power button. True protection shell images show a slightly different design, on the right side of the opening to separate into two, respectively for mute and power button. Unlike the render graph above, the protection shell seems to be completely made of polycarbonate, and rendering of seems to be a combination of leather and plastic material. One plus 7 will be equipped with...