新关注 > 信息聚合 > 蝙蝠男爵的地宫冒险 横版游戏《弗拉基米尔》上架..

蝙蝠男爵的地宫冒险 横版游戏《弗拉基米尔》上架..

Bat Baron's Palace of the Earth adventure version of the game "Vladimir" on the shelves of..

2015-10-02 14:19:09来源: 4399

本篇小编要为大家介绍的这款游戏讲述了一只叫做弗拉基米尔的小蝙蝠在地宫冒险的故事,游戏目前已经上架安卓平台,感兴趣的童鞋不妨来感受一下!(顺便吐槽一下,就是只小蝙蝠起这么帅的名字干什么)。 《弗拉基米尔》下载:【安卓版】 听到弗拉基米尔的名字,相信首先映入大家脑海的都是吸血鬼那面色苍白...

this small series to introduce the game tells the story of a small bat called Vladimir adventure in Palace of the Earth story, the game has been built on the Android platform, interested in children's shoes might wish to feel! (by the way, it is a small bat. "Vladimir" Download: [Android] Vladimir heard the name, I believe that the first thing that catches the minds of everyone is the vampire pale...

标签: 游戏