新关注 > 信息聚合 > DNF官方手游将年内推出 腾讯拿下代理权

DNF官方手游将年内推出 腾讯拿下代理权

DNF the official mobile game will launch tencent years with the agency

2016-02-22 10:58:49来源: 新浪


Once with the classic end of countless people swim "underground city and warrior (DNF) to push the mobile version, finally according to the game makers NEXON recently disclosed in the first quarter of 2016 plan, announced the" underground city and warrior (DNF) mobile version - "underground city and warrior: mobile edition", and the game will be launched in China this year, the agency still swim to proxy end "underground city and warrior of tencent games. The vendor is...

标签: 手游 DNF 腾讯