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知乎上线「亲自答」 让品牌「现身说法」

Zhihu online "personally answer to" brand "appearing"

2017-12-25 15:36:02来源: DoNews

一人分饰两角是一种怎样的体验?——演员潘粤明亲自作答,为大家介绍他在「白夜追凶」中的角色体验和经历。如何评价小米 MIX 2 ?——设计师 Philippe Starck 亲自作答,为外界全面解读小米 MIX 2 的设计理念。如何看待「权力的游戏」在腾讯视频与美国同步播出?——腾讯视频官方亲自作答,为影视爱好者和行业观察家们阐述了这一事件背后的深刻意义。在知乎,用户越来越容易通过一个个问答与大咖们不期而遇,甚至得到他们的亲自回答。这就是知乎新上线的产品——「亲自答」。未来,知友与品牌之间的直面交互会变得更加简单有效。坐下来「听品牌聊聊」随着信息壁垒的打破,普通用户与品牌、机构、明星之间的沟通成...

One person ACTS the role of the two Angle is a kind of what kind of experience? Answers - actor purpose of himself, to introduce his role in the "white night after fierce" experience and experience. How to evaluate millet MIX 2? Answers - designer Philippe him himself, for the full coverage of the millet MIX 2 design concept. How to view "game of thrones" in tencent video broadcast simultaneously with the United States? Answers - tencent video official himself for film lovers and industry observers are expounded the profound meaning behind the event. In zhihu, the user is more and more easily through the question and answer with the higher-ups meet by chance, even get their answer in person. That's the zhihu new product - "a" in person. In the future, face to face with interaction between acquaintances and brand will be more simple and effective. Sit down and chat "to brand" as the information barriers to break, ordinary users and communication between the brand, agency, star...

标签: 知乎