新关注 > 信息聚合 > O2O生鲜电商不堪重负 生鲜巨头或给市场带来转机

O2O生鲜电商不堪重负 生鲜巨头或给市场带来转机

O2O fresh electricity under strain Fresh giant or bring to the market

2017-06-21 17:45:13来源: DoNews


618 electric commercial war has just ended, according to official data, jingdong accumulated during the 618 sold more than 700 million pieces of goods, so large amount of packages, which the logistics behind the pressure. In the face of the pressure of logistics is not only electricity, traditional business also faces the problem of high logistics costs. China logistics information center statistics, at present, China's total social logistics costs as a percentage of GDP is 18.0%, the ratio is higher than the United States, Japan, about 9.5%, about 6.5% higher than the global average. There is no doubt that fresh electrical contractor and business since the beginning of the super are facing the biggest hurdle: logistics cost. According to the development of Chinese agricultural raw electricity BBS published last year, according to data from the national 4000 fresh electricity companies, only 1% profitable, 4%, 95% loss or losses. Fresh electrical business and traditional business are facing many problems under the high logistics costs... There are...

标签: 电商