新关注 > 信息聚合 > 12306买火车票政策惊喜调整:买票更方便了


12306 train tickets: tickets more convenient adjustment policy surprises

2015-05-04 16:51:09来源: TechWeb

在此前,12306上网购火车票的最晚购票时间为列车开车前2小时,而在开车前两小时内想要购票的话只能到售票窗口进行购买。但从6号开始,这一规定将进行重大调整。 今天下午,12306网站发布公告称,自5月6日起,12306网站及“铁路12306”手机购票客户端的购票时间由不晚于列车开车前2...

before, 12306 online purchase train tickets for the late booking time for train 2 hours before driving, and driving in two hours before it only wants to buy a ticket to the ticket window to buy. But from 6 to begin, this provision will be a major adjustment. This afternoon, the 12306 website announced that, since May 6th, 12306 website and the "12306 railway ticket" mobile phone client ticket time not later than 2 before the train drove by...