新关注 > 信息聚合 > 电商实体店再战“年货节” 三大PK哪方胜?

电商实体店再战“年货节” 三大PK哪方胜?

Store electricity supplier battles "New Year's Day" three PK Which side wins?

2016-01-15 09:23:20来源: 亿邦动力网


The twelfth lunar month, stocking Qiao. New Year Spring Festival market as "open in the first battle," become the battleground electricity supplier. In early January of this year, Alibaba launched the first "New Year's Day", Jingdong, Shop No. 1, followed by Suning Tesco, have fought stocking market. At the same time, department store super to be outdone, a fierce battle has already started stocking consumption. Category PK: When the main electricity supplier "authentic festive" won thumbs up to the twelfth lunar month, became the highlight of preparation stocking before the Spring Festival. With the Internet e-commerce "Down to the Countryside", this year's New Year Spring Festival market has also undergone a series of new changes. Ali, Suning Tesco and other electricity providers invariably flagship authentic in flavor. Nanfang Daily reporter learned from Suning easy to purchase, which this year plans to hit the super festive "soil festive city, ocean flavor of the village." Suning Tesco recent on-line super New Year's Day, launched a "super buyers plan" Xinjiang to Shanghai leg of lamb. Grassland consumer's table. Su ...

标签: 电商