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白银?真金! 《抗战》315权益茶话会漫谈

Silver? Of gold! "The war of resistance 315 rights tea party to ramble

2016-03-15 15:35:44来源: 游久网

又一个消费者权益日,又到了买家卖家唇枪舌剑论真假的时候了。在《抗战》里,为了全力消灭日寇,战斗者们经常需要一些精良武器或道具,那么这些装备究竟是不是真金白银,玩家们是不是真的把装备的性价比利用好了呢?今天的茶话会不妨就来聊聊这些吧! 中国抗日第一网游 《抗战》官网:http://...

A consumer rights day, and when the buyers sellers thrust theory of true and false. In the Anti-Japanese War, in order to fully eliminate the Japanese aggressors, the fighters often need some sophisticated weapons or props, so the equipment whether real money, players really equipment price advantage of the good? Today's tea party might as well just to talk about these! China's anti-japanese first online game "resistance" website: http://...